General Contracting & Repairs

General Contracting & Repairs

Our general sub-contracting capability saves you time and money. How? After initial restoration is completed, you often need to rebuild part of the structure or refinish the interior. Property Damage Specialists is one of the few companies that offer a full general sub-contracting capability in addition to our disaster recovery services. We can reconstruct and rebuild after we clean away the damage.

You won’t have to deal with finding a second company, coordinating with your insurance (again), getting a second approval, and overseeing work for the second time.

With Property Damage Specialists, we’re a one-stop shop for disaster recovery. When you come to us, we’ll provide you a scope of work that quotes you both the cleaning and any necessary construction work. Because you have it all together, you’ll be able to discuss with your insurance adjuster what they will pay for, and you only have to have that discussion once.

After you and your insurance agree on what work will be done, our team will start work. We’ll move your personal and business property to a secure storage facility. Then, we’ll clean up and fix as much damage as possible. Any parts of the structure that are unsalvageable, we’ll demolish and rebuild. While this is happening, you can be relaxing in a hotel.

When disaster strikes, you want to minimize the amount of unnecessary stress in your life. The fewer companies and negotiations you have to deal with, the better you can focus on restoring your life and business. You probably want to keep things simple, to minimize the chance of something else going wrong — unnecessary delays or cost overruns are the last thing you need right now.

Combining restoration and general contracting allows us to keep your reconstruction as simple and smooth as possible. We get it done faster, and you can rest easier.

When you hire us, you’ll find that our turnkey solution saves money and time for both you and your insurance company. Working with us means you only go through the estimating and billing process once. You get both restoration and reconstruction, but you only pay for the overhead of a single company.

Even better, work happens faster. With many of our team members able to do construction as well as restoration, our team will transition seamlessly to construction as soon as restoration is wrapping up.

In other words, the time you have to wait until you can move in and resume your life or your work is as short as possible — simply because the shift from restoration to construction happens smoothly. There’s no waiting around, and nobody does any unnecessary work.

When you hire us to work on a property damage project that will require rebuilding, we won’t attempt to restore areas that we know we’ll be demolishing and rebuilding. That’s just one simple efficiency measure that saves you time and money.

So call us now. We have the expertise and experience to get you or your business back on your feet, fast. We’ll restore or rebuild everything and we’ll have someone on site within an hour of your call. But the first step starts with you. Pick up the phone and tell us what we can do for you.

Our contracting services include:

– Structural repairs: Fixing any structural damage so your building is sound long-term. Unfortunately, no amount of cleaning and waste removal will be enough if the fire or water has damaged the underlying structure. That’s where we can take on jobs other companies would be forced to contract out. We don’t just make the surfaces look better, we ensure the foundation and the structure are as good or better than before.

– Interior finishing: we can perform a total remodeling if need be. Often the damage is severe enough that simple cleaning isn’t quite enough. We can restore and refinish indoor surfaces that have been damaged beyond hope of ordinary cleaning.

In fact, since you may be spending some time in a hotel anyway, if you want to seize the opportunity we can also perform a full remodeling. You’ll save the time and cost of hiring a separate contractor later, and we’ll accomplish the work while you’re not occupying the area anyway. The only thing better than returning to a structure that’s “good as new” is coming back to one that has all the improvements you’ve wanted for years.

– Selective demolition: We can demolish any parts of the structure needed to remove contamination or stabilize the rest of the building. If necessary, we’ll work with outside engineers. After the demolition is complete, we’ll reconstruct and finish to your specifications.